Monday, October 12, 2009


No not the Sarah Michelle Gellar movie, but more of why do people hold them. I have asked myself this recently because there was a recent event that has caused a rift with someone I thought was a friend. As most things go it was really over something stupid. I own up to my end of what happened but the person with whom it happened has not spoken to me even though I have made several attempts at the time to make things right. I have even let time pass, don't they say that time heals all wounds? Not this time. Nothing! Why? I can't answer for what others do I can only try to make things right and hope & pray that the person will eventually come around. To be honest with you I have thought of things, like when asked to help I will say something snotty, or maybe just ignore it althogether, but in keeping with my theme; Being positive, I have to let this go. I have done this tonight. This person refuses to speak to me so I sent her a text that says "I want to ask your forgiveness. This request is unconditional and doesn't expire. I am so very sorry". I did not add but, it was because, just out right asked for forgiveness. We shall see, so far no response. This brings to mind several scriptures that speak to this very thing: Matt 6:9-14 (the Lord's prayer) we are to ask for forgiveness. Matt 5:39, about turning the other cheek, and Matt 18: 21-22 where Jesus tells us to forgive 70 x 7. This is not a literal number but an inference that we should forgive each and every time forgiveness is sincerely asked. Why do we choose not to forgive when the Lord forgives us each and every time we ask. So I say to everyone, let it go, life's too short, and in the end does it really matter? Do not give Satan any wriggle room, holding grudges gives him more than wriggle room, grudges will allow him to take up way too much space in your heart!

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