Monday, January 10, 2011


Why is that people can believe every written word known to man but when it comes to the Bible, not only is it not the holy written word of God, but that it is open to interpretation? Yes the interpretation that fits into their worldly beliefs no doubt. Now don't get me wrong I know there are things written in the Bible that are definitely open to interpretation and not black and white, but the interpretation is not you believe one thing and I believe something altogether different. Most of the differences in the Bible are minor not worth arguing about and certainly not anything that you are gonna loose your soul over. Today however I engaged in a theological discussion with people I work with and to sum it up I was alone in my beliefs, not that I was surprised but just dumb founded by the fact that all claimed to believe in God, I was thinking to myself "really"! How can you claim a belief in God but believe that "The Word" he brought to us is not His? I tried to explain that yes it was written by man but the words that these "men" wrote were divinely inspired. I will gladly stand alone and know I am right than to be wrong with the crowd!

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